Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Day Is Not Yours

From The Gospel Driven Church:
The truth is, the day does not belong to us. It is not our day to do with as we please. We serve a sovereign God. He created the end from the beginning, knows our future exhaustively, and is firmly in control. He made our days and they belong to him.

As such, isn't it a wee bit arrogant to begin with the idea that each day is ours and then worry about fitting God in? Instead, we should work at the humble awe of knowing all of our moments, each millisecond, waking or sleeping, are perfectly accounted for within his economy. It is a wonder then, that God makes time for us.

He then goes on to show 2 ways the understanding that the day belongs to a sovereign God changes our outlook.

1. It makes us more conscious of how we use our day.

2. It makes us more conscious of him within our day.

We need these reminders every morning, at least I know I do!

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