Wednesday, May 13, 2009

An Intentional Summer

Since we are on the topic of not wasting summer vacation, here is some good food for thought from the peeps over at Boundless.

When school would let out for the summer I'd take about two weeks to sleep off my exhaustion, get in the summer work routine and completely avoid talking to my college friends (by the end of the semester I always needed a break from my buds). But when I'd start my catch-up phone calls I'd ask how the summer had been so far and the answer I got most of the time was "hard."

"Being home is...hard" seemed to be a theme in my conversations with college friends during breaks. One of my best friends came to Christ in college. She got involved in campus ministry and grew exponentially in her faith. And for her, going home was a battleground. It seemed like all the old temptations and tendencies met her at the city limits of her hometown.

Maybe you're like my friend and going home comes with difficulties like getting out of your quiet-time routine or peer pressure from old friends. Today's article offers common sense advice about how to be faithful in what can feel like a dry time. Here are some of the tipsLindsay gives about how to have an intentional summer:

  • Before leaving for break, make a commitment with a close Christian friend to check in at least a couple times a week. Think of things in advance that may be challenges for you and put them on a list of questions your accountability partner can ask you.
  • Set a goal to work through your prayer list. I've found that nothing helps me become focused on God more quickly than pouring my heart out to Him in prayer.
  • Think about which of your friends God has really placed on your heart, and spend time with them in an effort to show God's love to them. For example, instead of struggling at a party, ask a friend out to lunch.
  • View your family as a ministry opportunity. Sit down and have a quality conversation with your mom or dad. Ask (and truly care) about what is going on with your brother or sister. Be the person to mow the lawn before people have to go on safaris just to navigate through it.

Most college students just finished finals. If you're one who's going to be home for the summer (or even if you're going to be somewhere else) this is a great reminder that summer may be a break from classes, but it shouldn't be a break from pursuing godliness.

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